Why Dardar Toys?

Hi there, my nickname is Dardar, which is short for darling. My parents bought lots of toys for me when I was young. I was lucky I had an entire playroom filled with toys. At present, I have bought so many toys for my darling son and daughter. However these toys are of such high quality, I want to keep them for my grandchildren to enjoy too.

There are a few toys rental companies out there and I think it is a wonderful idea to do the same. I have decided to rent out my toys so that other children can enjoy them too. Some of these toys are rare and hence you would not be able to find them in the stores. Some may be too bulky, therefore toy rental is good for those of you who have space constrain. You can rent the toys and then return them when your child does not want to play with them anymore.


Rent the toys from me ONLY if you fall into one of the following categories:

1) You're having a gathering at home and you need to entertain the kids

2) You're having relatives or friends from overseas staying for the week and they've got children of different age group as your own.

3) You're here for a holiday and you want to entertain your children.

4) Your neighbours and you decided to organise playgroup meetings for your toddlers

5) You're not sure if your child is really interested in an expensive toy. You can rent then decide to buy later.

6) You're around to supervise your child using the toys so they don't damage the toy and you having to pay the retail price of the toy.

7) You don't want to buy something that your child will outgrow very quickly e.g. playgym, walker etc

8) You have a fickle minded child who plays with each toy for a short span and loses interest quickly.